I really think I could work part-time full.
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Cultivating my mental health while starting a company
I am looking for a Mentor
On growth stage investing, diversity in VC, and mentorship with Jocelyn Kinsey at DFJ Growth
I'm a Harvard CS & Econ student, startup investor, and Elpha's First Ambassador – Jessica Li
Office Hours: I am the General Manager of Platform at a healthcare unicorn startup. I’m Julia Bernstein. AMA!
A day in a life of a product designer working at a fintech startup + my newest fav productivity tools!
Trying to Break into the Tech World with UX Design - Any Advice?
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Cultivating my mental health while starting a company
I am looking for a Mentor
On growth stage investing, diversity in VC, and mentorship with Jocelyn Kinsey at DFJ Growth
I'm a Harvard CS & Econ student, startup investor, and Elpha's First Ambassador – Jessica Li
Office Hours: I am the General Manager of Platform at a healthcare unicorn startup. I’m Julia Bernstein. AMA!
A day in a life of a product designer working at a fintech startup + my newest fav productivity tools!
Trying to Break into the Tech World with UX Design - Any Advice?