
Transition to Associate Product Manager

Hello Elpha community!

As a Customer Success lead at an early stage fintech startup, I work closely with the Head of Product to develop, improve, and update products based on quantified customer feedback. My favorite part of this role is solving a customer’s pain point and I am excited at how a product role would allow me to have an even greater impact.

I’d love to join an established company where I can learn and build alongside experienced Product Managers who are equally passionate about their users and experience.

Does anyone have recommendations on how to best get my foot in the door?

That's so wonderful to hear, I am very glad you found something that you might actually love!Yes so first of all I recommend you take a look at this if you haven't yet then can you see if your company would give you an opportunity to be trained in product a bit more? Before jumping ship, it might be worth exploring if this company can let you slowly pivot (it's a startup so maybe more flexibility but most importantly they've seen you work, trust you and might be open to let you explore new things assuming they truly care about your professional development).If there is truly no opportunity at your current company, then I'd start networking with all the PMs you meet (here on Elpha, your firm, your friends, LinkednIn etc) and learn everything you can about the job, the skills required, and specifically what gaps you currently have you need to fill (and how you can fill them e.g taking courses, getting certifications)Good luck - keep us posted!
Hi @jessjass Nice to meet you on here! I would recommend looking at mid-level and growth stage startups that have Associate PM positions. You can curate your resume to focus on your work with the PM and highlight your work highlighting user needs and working across teams. Most importantly, build a story that highlights your interest in product management. Check out this blog as well to get more info on PM language:
You may also want to anon from as well since you're both thinking about switching from customer success roles to product!
Hi! If you're thinking about a certain career direction but you're not sure yet, I'd consider:a) Ensure you feel 100% about the change, ie you understand the role/industry deeply and feel confident it is a fit for you; if not, pursue career exploration until you feel certainb) Once you feel certain, leverage networking as a means of understanding the day to day but also the realistic pathways and nuances as to how people break inc) This will inform your next steps, whether there is a "step a" to take before "step b" (ie do you need to start in one role in order to move into the role you want?), and/or whether its worth it to pursue upskilling opportunities/further education, etc.d) Then you'll be ready to refresh your personal branding materials and pursue job searching to forge into the path you want.Let me know if you'd like to chat further and get help with these steps! Best, Rachel, Career Exploration Coach ( (I offer a free career coaching call here! --
Shopify just opened their applications for an APM program!