
Shift VC Conference coming up June 13 -14 in SF

Anyone checking this one out? Hit me up and I can send you a $10 discount code for an in-person ticket.

Shift VC Conference coming up June 13 -14 in SF is an event for aspiring investors, current VCs, emerging fund managers, and founders of color to connect, learn, and grow. We’ve designed the agenda specifically for our community (aka you!) and we're proud to share that 100% of our speakers are underrepresented in VC.

Here’s what you can look forward to:

- Engaging sessions on Breaking into Venture, VC 101, Today’s Exit Environment, and How to be a Good Investor From Founders

- Hearing from industry leaders like Charles Hudson (Precursor Ventures), Stacy Brown-Philpot (Cherryrock Capital), Marcie Vu (Greycroft), Laura Lucas (L’Attitude Ventures), Kate Mitchell (Scale Venture Partners), and Jamison Hill (Goldman Sachs)

- Networking with 200+ investors, founders, and fund managers

my girl Michelle D is killing it with VC Unleashed!