
How do you become a fractional leader?

The idea of fractional leadership is appealing to me and it's great to see the title getting popular (even here on Elpha with a keyword search of our members). What could the path look like to ge there?

Are there companies out there that are actually open to hiring a fractional lead?

Did you need to pitch the role as a fractional lead?

Can a fractional leader operate as an LLC and essentially be a consultant to the business?

Is it common for fractional leaders to take on multiple clients?

Are you paid in cash or equity? Or is that part of the discussion?

Would appreciate any other tips and suggestions in this realm.

That's very exciting to hear you are looking at fractional work! What is your niche?The path could be like anything entrepreneurial / self employed kind of path actually. So for the sake of this let's assume you want to be a fractional CFO, and you've worked in accounting/finance functions for the bulk of your career, it becomes a bit easier to position yourself as a consultant for companies (startups, venture firms, and other structure that might not want to get someone FT on the team to perform certain function, etc) You could set up an LLC but maybe this can be done organically ie. start as a consultant to a business and the more clients you start getting you can set up an LLC OR if you prefer having an LLC for tax/other (financial) reasons then deff do that! - Is it common for fractional leaders to take on multiple clients? Yes!- Are you paid in cash or equity? Or is that part of the discussion? It's part of the negotiation but you'd typically be paid your fee either a retainer / hourly rate depending on the type of work (project based or else), you could negotiate some equity too!