
Grow your support network \\ Join Badassery

Hi everyone - I just wanted to share a networking group that may be beneficial for some of you looking to expand your own circle of support.The Badassery community is a curated diverse crew of like-minded, supportive, real and passionate people. This is a truly diverse group - gender, race / ethnicity, professional path, seniority, etc. Some members I've personally come across: Creative Strategist at Facebook, Product Manager at Oscar, Health/SexTech founder for non-binary young adults, Financial Services head of marketing, TV & Arts producer. There's member events (online for now) and a Slack community full of activity. Probably the most meaningful part is the 1:1 monthly pairings where you'll get to have a meetup with another Badassery member who has similar interests as you. It's similar to what Elpha has done during COVID but the founder and her team handpicks the pairings based on your personal and professional interests. Each member is interviewed and hand-selected and applications for the next round of cohorts are open. Feel free to learn more at the site above or DM me for more details.