I tried to research posts to see if anyone has had experience with this since many startups are featured on Elpha but I have not found anything similar.
I work at a very small start up (10 employees). Due to lack of funding, I have not had insurance for 2mths (to be fair, they did pay for the COBRA extension). We will allegedly have coverage starting August 1st. I say allegedly because The other issue being that they have delayed checks multiple times over the course of the past couple of months. The first check was only a few days late so I wasn't too worried as start up funding it is an issue across-the-board for many companies but then the following checks were delayed by two weeks and then at one point it was delayed for a months worth of checks then they were finally caught up only to be delayed on the next track and this Friday I will be delayed another month of pay and nothing has changed and the workload or the demand. I guess, I am wondering if it would be rude or risky to say I will not be doing any work until I am paid my backpay while I understand this is common in the start up world I also am concerned of the looming recession and have bills to pay so I'm not sure how to handle this.
I have interviews with other companies that look promising but my other concern is if I jump ship well they just not pay me at all and while I know I can go the legal route after attorney fees and court fees is it even worth doing that?