
time between inteviews?

Hi all! I'd love some input from the community regarding time between interviews. I've had several recnetly and the time in between the interview and next steps has been quite inconsistent as has the communication.

What has your experience been like? Any difference between junior and more senior roles? Larger vs smaller companies?

When I've been in the hiring position, I try to communicate quickly, even if it's just to say there will be a delay, but I'm not sure if that's the norm. Would like to hear about your experience!

> I try to communicate quickly, even if it's just to say there will be a delay, but I'm not sure if that's the norm. Yes, unfortunately, being courteous often falls by the wayside. A genuine thank you for attempting to keep people in the loop!I'm sure you know how it works; Trying to coordinate with people, get their opinion, trying to trust your own memory about the person you talked to all while interviewing other candidates. Anything longer than a week, week and a half without even a "Sorry for the delay!" is inconsiderate to me, and I'd be wary about if they can communicate on the job properly.
In my experience, it varies. The best companies I worked for are thoughtful and set a "you'll hear from us by X date." It wasn't so much the amount of time but more setting an expectation so the candidate isn't left in the lurch and constantly refreshing their e-mail.
If there's going to be more than a week in between interviews, I usually communicate why and it's usually because someone is on PTO or out sick. I'm also experiencing the same from the candidate's perspective right now, and have not been given a reason for the long time in between interviews, so I'm also nervous about it.