
Yoga & Movement Events in Toronto

Hi all!

Vulnerability moment here: just started teaching yoga in the city as a freelancer and with the number of fitness meet-ups out there these days, it's been scary posting an event and having no one except a friend or two sign up to come to your class.

The Ask: With that said, I would love to connect with more movement or wellness instructors in the city - perhaps we can create a space where we all share our events/ pop-ups/ schedules and try to support + show up for one another as we start teaching more.

Send a note in the thread if this is something you'd like to see and what your ideal form of communication would be/ how to contact you? (ie. Whatsapp group, IG group, etc.)

And on that note I'm hosting a class this coming Sunday and they will be recurring until October, if anyone is interested in joining here is the link to sign up for the first one :)

I assume I'm not the only one feeling this way and would love to meet some of you!

xx Rachel

Hi Rachel, appreciate your vulnerability. I would love to support your journey. As a fellow movement and yoga enthusiast, I appreciate the community you are creating! I like seeing updates on IG
Thanks Romeesa :) if you want to connect on IG, let me know your handle and if there are enough girlies I'll create a group!