Seeking Remote Data Entry Roles
I'm looking for part time remote data entry roles. I'm based in Los Angeles and have a 1 year old son. I was working as a front end developer and previously in marketing prior to the pandemic. I'm also college educated.Other than the usual LinkedIn and Glassdoor sites, would any of you recommend other job sites or know of such open roles?Thank you
Hey Christine! I have seen data entry roles posted on Upwork if you have an account there. is also a great site for part time work.Is there a specific field you are looking to do data entry or part time work in? I work with entrepreneurs/online coaches and have found a lot of client work and part time opportunities in Facebook groups for these specific communities as well. I can share some of the specific groups I'm in if you are interested. Good luck in your search!
Thank you Kate. I'll look into Upwork and the link you provided.I haven't thought about the specific field with data entry or part time work in. I'm open to areas in health, children. Art, design, and e-commerce. I would like to know more of these groups you speak of, too. Please share.
Hi @ChristineTran, I highly encourage you to check Elpha's own directory of jobs, and also fill out the form here so we can do our best to match you should there be a relevant role for you!