
What's your Elpha success story?

It's been incredible to see so many of you connecting and supporting each other throughout the year – through job hunting, product launches, layoffs, becoming a first-time manager, dealing with tough situations at work, and even balancing motherhood with your career. ✨

We want to invite you to share your Elpha success story with us. 🌟

Let us know how the community has helped you – we might even include your story in our yearly roundup! 🍾

Oh my gosh, i can't wait to read what everyone has to say!!!
Elpha has helped me feel like part of a community while job searching. I felt isolated and the women of Elpha gave me a renewed sense of confidence and self-worth!
That's so wonderful to hear, Kaitlin!
Elpha helped me meet the amazing @jikajika who formed an accountability group that really helped me this year ❤️
Jade and I have still been talking and going strong in the group Jolleen! Yesterday was our last meeting and we're going to keep it going in the new year. Feel free to jump back in anytime super squirrel!🙌🏾
Definitely coming back in the new year. 🥳 I feel more settled now after relocating. Missing you two lovely humans ❤️
BFF energy and i love it!
We love accountability buddies!
@jikajika is an absolute STAR! I love her so much and grateful for her friendship!
Ditto, Madam Extraordinaire!😏😉🌟
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for this incredible platform that has connected me with amazing individuals on my journey. Elpha has been a valuable space for women to support and uplift each other.A special shoutout to @caseyonder, who I connected with through Elpha and who has been an invaluable speaker to the Launch School's Women's Group. Casey is fantastic—her wisdom, insights, and support have made a lasting impact on our participants. I am truly grateful for the connection and the opportunity to learn and grow together.Thank you, Elpha, for fostering such meaningful connections and providing a space for women to empower each other. Here's to more collaborations and support within this amazing community!#Gratitude #WomenSupportingWomen #ElphaCommunity
This is so heartwarming! Thank you for sharing, Amy :) So happy to hear you've found so much value through Elpha!
I'll share an excerpt of a post I made on LinkedIn in November, which sums up how Elpha helped me:"I joined a few online communities to expand my reach and make professional connections, notably Elpha, Tech Ladies®, and TechYeet. Unexpectedly, I found more than professional connections; I found new friends. In this journey of navigating the years away from my birth, I discovered that making new friends as adults is indeed possible.@CaseyCSimmons has been an incredible champion and partner as we work on growing the Boulder Elpha's group. Our recent 2nd monthly Happy Hour, even with just the two of us, was a meaningful exchange on job-searching, job-offer strategies, and life in general. It warms my ❤️ and fills my soul."
I love this, Elizabeth! I can't wait to meet up with you all the next time I'm in CO!
You two have been killing the game, so grateful for you and your commitment in having a strong elpha community in the Boulder-ish area!
It's been inspiring to see so many incredible folks making new connections, forging friendships, and learning from one another through Elpha. It's been a tough year for most of us, and Elpha has done an excellent job providing support and encouragement. As a paid partner, I appreciate how easy it is to share new jobs and connect with women and folks of diverse backgrounds for the roles we have open at our company. My team continues to provide positive feedback on the quality of talent Elpha provides, and how simple it is to navigate the platform. To everyone on the Elpha team — thank you for all you do for the community. I'm eager to continue our partnership in 2024.
Love working with you, Kim! Can't wait to continue partnering with you on content next year!
I am so grateful for being introduced to Elpha. I initially joined the community after hearing about it during NY Tech Week. I am developing an app without support in this space with my current Network. This is a new business venture for me, so I wanted to seek out like-minded people. Aside from the app development, I have an e-commerce shop called Born Savage, a brand for those in savage pursuit of their goals and dreams. Born Savage was added to the 2023 Elpha Holiday Guide and I could not be more grateful.
we're SO thrilled you joined us! were you at our event during tech week as well?! We hope to do more of those so stay tuned!And congrats on this new venture, what is it and have you met some people on Elphas who were able to support you?YAY re Born Savage, hopefully it helped promote and generate sales!
@lynna Unfortunately, I could not get into any Tech Week events. I have not met anyone in the Elpha community as of yet. I am working on an app to help low to middle-income earners in the BIPOC community learn how to make $1 out of $.15 using the resources that they already have and working on a gamification component.
Aw we had like over 1K RSVPs and very limited spots :( hopefully next time!If you're based in NYC and are interested in co-hosting an Elpha meetup (super member driven as you can see from here let us know!!And super interesting app and very important work, keep us posted on the progress and how we can help!