
Are there any women here who are interested in life coaching? Help us understand what you want here!

I understand that life coaching sometimes has a mixed reputation due to the lack of regulation and the varying experiences people may have with different coaches. While coaching certifications do exist, many people are not familiar with them, hence don't know to look for them.

Despite the challenges, I've seen numerous individuals who have experienced significant transformations through life coaching.

My friend and I are eager to explore how life coaching can help women like us overcome obstacles and achieve a more fulfilling life. If you're interested in life coaching, my friend and I are looking for ways to give women access to qualified coaches and ensure some form of standardized experience. We’re collaborating with a group of certified coaches who have a proven track record of transforming lives. We’d love to hear from you if you’re considering working with a life coach here.

Yes I would love a life coach. It's actually what I need at the moment.How do I go about itKindly reach out to me on WhatsApp +23408166549431 or [email protected]Thank you.
This member might be interested but you're both anon so not sure how you can connect unless she fills the form!
Hola! Desde mi perspectiva y experiencia el coaching de vida ha sumado en la experiencia de muchas mujeres y la mía propia, una visión transformadora de la vida, haciendo que cada obstáculo o miedo que aparece sea reflexionado y así actuar en consecuencia, la coherencia entre en pensar, el sentir y el hacer son bases fundamentales para sentir plenitud, sin apegos o culpa hacia otros, sino, siendo genuinamente responsable de nuestros actos. La reputación de la que hablas es cierta, pero quienes somos coach, al igual que en otras profesiones, lo hacemos desde la responsabilidad del rol. Se pueden tener buenas o malas experiencias al respecto, lo importante es la formación continua y el valor que se le da a la confianza y confidencialidad en el vínculo coah-cliente. Personalmente no creo en las experiencias estandarizadas porque se pierde de vista la individualidad de cada uno, esta relación es única y diferente con cada persona.Saludos!