
Job Search & It's Challenges

Hi everyone,

I am a data analyst with 3 years of experience and I have been looking for a jobs from 1 year now and I do not seem to get any interviews. My skillsets are Tableau, SQL, Python. I'd really like an input from experts like you who can help me optimize my job search process.

I have done the following and my situation is still same that there is no interview invite for me.

1. Review resume with my network - I have updated my resume atleast 20 times at this point with formatting, restructing, rewriting, etc. I also hired a resume writer once.

2. Asking for referral - I got close to 10-15 referrals and still got rejected solely because of my visa status (I am on F1 visa and will require sponsorship)

3. Networking

4. Cold Emailing Recruiters & Hiring Managers on LinkedIn

Happy to discuss more in the chats, thanks!

Re 2) given your skills, do you have STEM OPT because you could get a 3year OPT instead of the 1-year one, I know you'd still need to get sponsored at some point but maybe it will give you some peace of mind?
Yes I am on my last few months of my STEM OPT.
Ah okay, so if I understand correctly your current company is unable to sponsor?Out of curiosity have you considered other immi options eg NIV or EB?
I think the issue you don’t have interviews is that companies don’t want to deal with visa paperwork if there is other similar candidates in the pipeline that doesn’t require paperwork :( I would recommend to look at VanHack company, they would able to connect candidates with companies and handle the paperwork. I know they work in Canada and Europe 🤔
Dustin Schimek ( and Brandi Beals ( cohost the data careers summit and Dustin reposts jobs on LinkedIn. Follow both.Tableau Public profile: make sure you have a few really strong pieces that showcase your analytical skills. The community projects can help and have at least one example that provides an example of what your business work looks like. Toggle the hire me button on Tableau Public if it's not already. I didn't see a LinkedIn attached to your profile, either here or on what might be your Tableau Public.It is really hard right now and doubly so for visa holders - @iynna has some great ideas. I'd also ping your network that's on a visa and see where they're working and if there's any openings with those companies.Lastly, if you're not already, post frequently on LinkedIn. Provide some quick tips on SQL, Python, and Tableau and give people some insight into what you offer. I hate recommending free labor, but a few posts on LinkedIn can go a long way to being seen, particularly if someone is using LinkedIn Recruiter (activity can help a lot). This can be sometimes more effective than cold outreach.You are also welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn and I can take a quick look at your profile and resume(s).