
Hi Elpha Community!

This is Yeon Jin Lee, a NASA engineer turned filmmaker living and working in Los Angeles.

I just wanted to share with you a film near and dear to my heart: SILICON VALLEY GIRL. Our film is about being a young woman in tech, and seeking a sense of belonging in a space where vulnerability / being different is seen as a weakness.

Our campaign is more than 35% funded. We are also selected as a Kickstarter "Project We Love"! 🩷 Please donate today and help us reach our goal! Thank you again for supporting our indie film. Your support makes this project possible. Thank you again!

Yeon Jin

THIS IS SO GOOD and your profile is amazing - what a story which you should share more :)
Thank you, Iynna! :) Do you have any advice on how to spread the word with the amazing women in tech community here on Elpha?
that's dope maybe you can do a premiere with first dibs for elpha members and anyone else in your community?
Good idea! I'll pass that idea along to our team :) Thanks Iynna! Yeon Jin