
Free Sales Masterclass for Small Business Elphas

If you are a female small business owner, this post is for you:

I see you hiding.

And the only reason I see you hiding,

is because I'm STALKING you.

I have to stalk you to find you.

To know what you do,

& who you help

& why.

And if I have to do that,

(stalk you to find you)

then how the hell are your clients supposed to find you??

How are they supposed to know about you?

How can they PAY you if they don't know that you exist???

How can they FINALLY receive

your help,

your product,

your services,

If you're hiding????

Yea yea I know, you're being humble. 🙄

You don't think you're qualified to be showing anything off.

You don't even have a website.

You barely have a product.

You barely have a service.

And you don't want to be THAT person who's talking up their business like a hotshot

when you barely have a business to be talking about.

Sound familiar?

Wassup inner critic, how you doin? 🧐

Listen, I'm not here to flip your personality

and make you do something that's unaligned with you.

I'm not here to convince you to turn into

a social media influencer or a marketing bro.

I know that you created your business

because you genuinely want to help people.

And I want to help you find those people,

who will HAPPILY pay you for your products and services.

You don't have to betray your personality & go all sales-y.

You can have soul-aligned sales conversations

that leave both you and the client that's meant for you

feeling so blessed that you found each other. 🙏

And I'm going to teach you the exact script

that you can customize for your business

for these soul-aligned sales conversations.

The best part...

It's absolutely free. 💜

And it's live on Sunday.

So if you're ready to stop hiding

and start signing soul-aligned clients,

then I'll see you next week.

RSVP here :)

P.S. first 5 people to RSVP get a free LinkedIn profile audit as a gift from me 🥰