
Best Ruby on the Rails resources

Love advice on the best resource for learning Ruby on the rails.
Are you starting from ground 0 on coding or picking up Rails with some other background? And what is your end goal? General knowledge on using the framework or are you trying to create a specific product?I've always liked the Agile Web Development Rails series: ago I used one of the earlier books in the series when I first switched over to rails. However, I already had a programming background.I'm also happy to answer specific questions.
perfect feedback @Rosew and @Cadran Thanks!
I used the online Michael Hartl tutorials from his book. That was a few years ago so not sure if those are still the most up to date, but they definitely did the trick then!
I used a mix of team tree house, OOP in Ruby (Sandi Metz), straight up going to the docs and building out your first blog.
I always suggest to new developers to go through the RailsGirls guides: Codebar guides (for HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, Python, Android, iOS, Php, command line, version control) which we use to teach in workshops.