
[LIVE WEBINAR] Building sticky, scalable products - Tues, Aug 16 @ 11am EDT

Everyone talks about Product-Market Fit - but few founders know the steps to find it quickly. And more importantly, KEEP FINDING IT.

Want to learn how to build a product engine in your company that's autonomous, data-driven, and highly tactical?

Join us for a FREE online masterclass, where Nelly Yusupova, CTO with 18 years experience, Startup Tech Advisor, and creator of TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs, will share how to de-risk investment and accelerate success by building a PMF flywheel.

Imagine, instead of taking the trial and error, hit or miss, or “I hope this is right” approach…to knowing all of the skills, the metrics, and the processes that you need to follow to reach Product/Market Fit faster.