
Get Hired Faster: 4 Job Search Strategies (+ a free job board)

Below is some of my best GET HIRED advice based on over a year of building a startup that helps job seekers land better jobs, make career pivots, and land promotions FASTER.

But first: You're awesome, you're smart, and the right company is going to see that. All job seekers experience rejection and below you'll learn how to get less of that and get more offers instead.

Applying is kiiind of like kissing a lot of frogs to find a partner or a friend. Most will be slimers (and most applications result in rejection).


And now, based on hundreds of job-seekers going through our programs and sharing strategies in our TalentList community, here are the Top 4 actions that stack the odds in your favor to land a better job, pivot, or career upgrade FASTER:

1. Upgrade your career assets.

  • Give your resume and your LinkedIn profile a reboot.
  • Get inspired by other people holding the role titles that you're aiming for.
  • Show Key Results instead of busy work in your job description bullet points.

2. Put out the bat signal.

  • Get your resume out there by listing yourself on sites like Elpha and Roadmap's TalentList (we match you to open jobs, hype you up to hiring leaders, and help you prep before interviews for free).

3. Practice interviewing.

  • You know you can do the job, but you have to literally practice articulating that in response to interview questions. It's extremely common to feel nervous during interviews, fumble responses, and forget that you actually do know how to count to 5. Practice makes perfect. You can practice with Roadmap in our free LIVE mock interview sessions. :-)

4. Mingle:

  • Network like your new job depends on it, because it's proven that ~80% of job offers come from professional or personal referrals.
  • No network? No problem! You can build one. I had to too. Check our Roadmap resources to learn how to get started with a Networking blurb on sites like Elpha or Roadmap's Slack community.
  • Put 15 minute coffee chats on your calendar with people who've made the moves you want to make, or are employed where you want to work, or are hiring for roles you want.
  • If you make a great impression, these calls will lead to referrals which lead to interviews and offers.

thank you for sharing this resource, and also the kind words!
Hey @emilygiddings! Thank you for sharing. Currently been on the job hunt for months and needing all the help I can get. It’s tough out here! I just signed up on Roadmap + would love any more insight you have. Thanks again!✨