
Should I publish case studies on Medium for jobs I was rejected from? - Product Manager Roles

Hi all,

I’ve worked on some detailed case studies as part of job application processes, but unfortunately, I didn’t get the roles. I’m wondering if it’s a good idea to publish those case studies on Medium or other platforms. Would sharing rejected case studies reflect negatively on me, or could it still be beneficial for showcasing my work and expertise? I’d appreciate any thoughts or advice from those who have experience with this! Can I blind the company name and still publish them?

If you didn’t sign an NDA before being given the assignment and material and if you de-identify/anonymize the company it was for can’t think of a reason why you can’f/shouldn’t publish as your work.
Hi! First- I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get the positions. Second- yes please publish them, hiding company identifiers as you spent valuable time on it. I am also a fellow pm and in the interview process right now. I’m studying for a case study interview coming up. Would you mind sharing yours with me. Would love to also connect. Send me a private message here if you’re interested. Since we’re both job searching, we can keep each other motivated too ☺️
Publish them. It's your work; you should add it to your portfolio.
Where do you publish them to? You mentioned Medium - is that acceptable for job seekers? Anywhere else?
I wouldn't - great opportunity for folks to steal your work (i know maybe im a bit paranoid but my 0.02)