
Free 2 Day Sales Masterclass

If you believe THIS about sales, it’s costing you & your clients.

One of the biggest beliefs holding back spiritual entrepreneurs is this:

“If they really need my help, they’ll find me.”

Sounds innocent, right?

Also sounds pretty spiritual.

But it's holding you back.

👉It confuses your people and stops them from reaching out.

👉It assumes your audience knows exactly what you do (spoiler: they don’t).

👉It puts the responsibility of taking the first step on your client when it's on YOU.

You can't stay quiet and wait around, babe.

You have to show up.

Say the sh*t that makes you sound unhinged.

And invite your people to work with you.

Remember: Sales isn’t pushy, it’s a service.

When you believe in your work, others will too.

When you hold back, your clients stay stuck.

P.S. Is this you? I'm hosting a free 2-day masterclass Sunday + Monday to help you work sell with confidence to the people you're meant to serve. Here's the link to RSVP!

XO, Coach Vic 💜