
Publishing a Generative AI Book!

I'm very excited to share that I am co-writing a book on generative AI! The book is written for anyone who has an interest in generative AI models. It aims to build an intuition into the technical pitfalls that are inherent to LLMs and discusses how generative AI models can exacerbate societal issues — these are sociotechnical challenges that require a whole of society response, and we hope that this book can make a diverse set of concepts accessible to a wide range of individuals. It's also intended as an introduction to the subject, with no technical background necessary.Preorders are now open, and they help a lot with the success of the book, so if anyone is interested in reserving a copy, use the code mldhamani for45% off until August 31st. 😊

P.S. for anyone in Elpha who might be interested in writing a technical book, I'm happy to share my thoughts about the process.

This is so exciting, Maggie! Congrats on this incredible achievement!
Thank you so much @iynna !