
Some Happiness Thoughts: Working on a TEDx Talk w/ Author of Happy is the New Healthy

Hi Elphas! I have the distinct privilege of working with a 35-year professor and practicing clinical psychologist, author of a new book Happy is the New Healthy. As we distill some of her amazing material into a life-changing TEDx Talk ( ! ) I wanted to share some take-aways here.The global pandemic and lockdowns added stress, extra weight, and even more screen time. This period has made it harder to connect with people we care about, and in meeting new people socially. Her advice: Happiness is a choice. We can choose it every day.* Limit social media and Netflix binges to specific time blocks. * Get outside for 15 min daily. Hear the birds sing!* Before logging onto Facebook, Twitter, etc. text or call someone "just because" Maintain social connections* Dial back the pizza, ice cream, etc., and get in a salad or bowl of soup every day... Those nutrients help make us feel better.I love how supportive this community is - and thanks for letting me share some of her insights!
"* Before logging onto Facebook, Twitter, etc. text or call someone "just because" Maintain social connections"This is a very interesting habit-changing trigger!
Thank you for sharing this with us.