Hiring a Brand Social Media Strategist and Brand Copywriter at Brex
Hi Elpha! I know many of you are job searching—I hope we find each other! I'm hiring for two brand strategist roles—one leading copywriting and the other leading social media/brand digital:• https://www.brex.com/careers/?gh_jid=4813217002• https://www.brex.com/careers/?gh_jid=4862624002Not the hiring manager for this role, but my close colleague is also hiring a content writer/strategist:• https://www.brex.com/careers/?gh_jid=4813215002Brex recently went remote-first (more here: https://medium.com/building-brex/remote-first-at-brex-1252cb30e347) so these roles are open to most locations within 1hr of the continental US timezones. If you're interested, send your resume and portfolio (or at least some recent work examples) to [email protected]. Looking forward to hearing from you!