
Survey: Challenges for Female Founders

Hi ladies, I am the founder of Start to Scale - a platform to help female founders efficiently find and connect with the resources they need to start and grow their businesses. I am in early stages, and would love your help understanding your challenges as founders. It is a short survey (5 mins Max!), but your time is still valuable! So there is an opportunity to win a $20 Amazon gift card because I really do appreciate all insights I can gather.
A housekeeping note - consolidated your two posts (tagged this one in "asks" as well!) :)
Thanks! I missed the "Ask" tag in my original post and didn't know how to go back and fix it. Any tips?
You can edit a post once you've shared it, but NOT the list of communities. So you can always tag me if you want to make a change there!
Thank you - I will definitely keep that in mind. Appreciate the support!
Thanks so much!
Thank you - I really appreciate the feedback :)
Done! :-)
Done! This helped me articulate my own questions, too!
Glad we could help each other out! Please feel free to connect if you need to bounce more ideas off someone :)
@TalyMatiteyahu have you seen this/filled it out?
I hadn't seen it! Just filled it out!
@Sanaiq I'd love to chat with you and learn more about your idea!