
Experience Peru in New York City

To all the lovers of NYC. EN-NOBLE , a travel startup has created authentic international experiences in NYC, where you can tap into cultures you would have ( if we could all get on a plane freely). If you are interested in trialing our experience of Peru in NYC through an exclusive food experience, musical performance and ethnic grocery adventure on May 6 starting at 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm EST. Email us at [email protected]! Why not learn travel and experience different cultures locally?
Sooo interesting! Is this virtual?
This experience is in person; however, we have a Afro-Peruvian cooking webinar for purchase on
Yum this sounds amazing! What other cultures will you highlight?
We will highlight the cultural nuances of Peru including diverse ethnic sub-groups from Peru for this particular event. However, we also have Asian and African tours. Feel free to email us at [email protected] to learn more.
Whoop excited to see those especially the Africa tour!