
Join us for our January Job Seekers Chat on Thursday Jan 26th!

Hi Elphas!

We had a huge turnout for our last chat and as the layoffs in tech have continued, we decided it's time for job seekers to get together again to learn from each other, get support and make friends.

🗓 Save the date for Thursday, January 26th at 12pm pst/3pm EST/9pm CET.

You will:

  • 🤝 Meet Elphas from around the world who are also exploring new jobs
  • 🛠 Talk with each other about tactical tips and tricks for resumes, interview prep, etc.
  • 💬 Chat about your job search highs + lows
  • 🌟 Learn how Elpha can help you in your search

To RSVP, please register here

Great! 👏Will this event need microphone or webcam?Thanks!
hi! I recommend having both so you can interact with the group. If you prefer not to be on video, that's ok though. And if you don't have a mic, you can always write in the chat box on Zoom.
As a career coach in tech, helping people in tech land their next job is one of my key focuses :)I signed up for the event as I think I might be able to bring some useful insights and tips for this audience - even if I am not a job seeker myself at this point.Hope that is ok :)
Hi! Thanks for offering your time and expertise. You are welcome to join and contribute to the conversation, but please note that we ask participants not promote/share products and services during the call. Hope you understand and thanks!
Hi. I'm still in the waiting room, waiting to be let in. Is this delayed?
Hi Jennifer – sorry about that! I had a little Zoom issue letting some people in. Hope you were able to join us a bit late!
Omg, read this 5 hours too late 😭
We'll be hosting another one next month!