
Amsterdam Elphas! Let's meet up and build a strong community!

Hi Everyone,

I know there were some posts about potential meet-ups, but I am not sure anything took off. And I really think we can leverage the network of fantastic women to grow together. I definitely miss such a network!

Is anyone up for a breakfast after Christmas time? I am happy to organise smth :)

Merry Christmas and Happy NY,


Hi Darya, I'm in Delft, but happy to join in Amsterdam :)
Hi Darya! I love it and I love Amsterdam, wish I were there!Not sure if they are still in Amsterdam but tagging because we never know @EvaVos @GaelleKoutou @vho @glen @mareike @nikitavervelde @helenhh @claudiabakker @MLinsight @Tanneke @Jusonok @leahhamilton @SJ @whitneycaneel @Claudia @eiriniboleti @Lbeatrice @mareike @jessicasuryaniputri @inesvandijk I may be missing a few here!
@iynna thanks a lot for tagging everyone! @EvaVos @GaelleKoutou @vho @glen @nikitavervelde @helenhh @claudiabakker @MLinsight @Tanneke @Jusonok @leahhamilton @SJ @whitneycaneel @Claudia @eiriniboleti @Lbeatrice Let me know if you are still in the Netherlands and would like to join the meetup! I am targeting mid-Jan - beg of Feb.
@iynna thanks a lot for tagging everyone! @EvaVos @GaelleKoutou @vho @glen @nikitavervelde @helenhh @claudiabakker @MLinsight @Tanneke @Jusonok @leahhamilton @SJ @whitneycaneel @Claudia @eiriniboleti @Lbeatrice Let me know if you are still in the Netherlands and would like to join the meetup! I am targeting mid-Jan - beg of Feb.
YAY! this is so fun and I wish I were there hehe! Massive FOMO.I know you're still finalising details (and let us know how else we can support you) but when the event happens, pretty please can you take pics for us all :D
Hey @DaryaSavishchava I am no longer based in Amsterdam, but still spend time there at least twice per year, doing a lot of projects there, and having a lot of friends, and it still feels like a home - would love to connect and join some of the meetups when I am there :)
Hi @DaryaSavishchava - still in Amsterdam and happy to meet / organize something with you!
Hi Darya!I'm not based in Amsterdam but will be visiting January 23-28. I'd love to join if it happens to fall within those days.
Hi Darya, I'm in Dusseldorf but would be happy to visit if it's on the weekend ;)
i am definitely targeting one of the weekends, so will let you know!
I'm in Amsterdam too! Would love to join!
Also in amsterdam!
I am very late to the party but adding a note as I just moved to Amsterdam in December and would love to connect with any other local Elphas :)
Hi Darya,I just joined the community and am in Amsterdam! Happy to join any events in the future :)
Hi @DaryaSavishchava! Haven’t been checking this for a while but I’m extremely interested. Please count me in in the future!
Super late to the party, but would love to be part of future events :)