Would love your input on how we can remove the work from networking so we can develop more meaningful relationships and cultivate stronger communities. Please share your thoughts via this quick survey and be waitlisted for our beta release!
The easiest way I can think of to network for someone who is more introverted - Making friends online like the old days. People don't struggle to make friends online when everyone is anonymous, but throw a real face onto it and people are suddenly shy, unwilling to help, trying to protect themselves.And then you get down to the fact that many people do not have power to hire and I understand "connecting" for the future, but people need help in the present.Most networking I've find are people who want to help, who are good and kind, but have no power, and then things fizzle out.If there was truly an anonymous networking platform where, for maybe 20 minutes, you chat with someone over text and in the end, you get their information, that would be fabulous!
Super insightful Morgan. Thank you for sharing. Society rewards extroverts. We all deserve authentic connections to unlock opportunities for personal and professional growth; introverts included.
My favorite forms of networking have been virtual meetings where everyone is introduced and then we breakout into smaller groups based on specific interests :)