
Not sure if I'm doing this right...

I'm a first-time founder here, and I'm doing the best I can to balance my full time job and build out my startup. We are in the early stages right now where we have an MVP out and a good amount of beta testers. However, I've been very low key about marketing and building an audience, as I am trying my best to juggle it all.Does anyone have any tips for growing their community and audience when just months old? What resources were helpful for you on growth strategies? When you were shifting from beta to GA, what were some of the marketing-related activities you used to grow your user base?Any help would be appreciated!
@nastassia - you've been doing incredible things with Connectful lately. Would love to hear your thoughts on this (and suspect that others within the community would too!).
Marie Forleo knows all these things...check out her Youtube Channel.I'm also new but I am looking into creating an Affiliate marketing campaign to encourage Influencers to take on my service...I also found out that Youtube video advertising is actually super cheap and Google is offering a $150 matching credit towards advertising. Do you have a referral promotion? Like refer your friends and if someone signs up you get X? Might try getting invited to a podcast that caters to your market? How's your social media presence? So many ways...Ask