
Looking for a Founding Engineer to join our startup!

SAYge Link is an early stage startup. We are building an AI-powered platform that leverages story sharing to connect women with peer and professional support from someone who has personally navigated the same challenges they are facing. SAYge Link has been recognized by leading names in the innovation community including being a MassChallenge finalist team and prize winners in the Columbia Venture Competition. We are past the idea stage with traction, revenue and validation from customers and paid contracts. Our MVP enabled us to collect valuable feedback from 1000 registered users spanning 7 countries. We are now ready to build a go-to-market mobile first version and iterate rapidly using agile methodology to refine product market fit.

SAYge is in search of a founding engineer to join the team and help bring our product to the next level to carry our vision forward. Join me and the SAYge team in this exciting phase of our start-up as we prepare to launch a social enterprise with enormous scalability that can positively impact millions of women around the globe.


- Build our product version 2.0 mobile app

- Drive POC and rapid feedback based iteration

- Product strategy

- Ensure security, scalability, and performance of technology infrastructure.

Ideal candidate:

- full stack developer

- experience building native iOS/Android apps

- a growth mindset, passionate and continuous learner

- knowledge of the latest technology trends, tools, and platforms, skilled in broad range of technologies

- start-up experience or versed in start-up mindset

- passionate and experienced in UX/design


-10-15hrs per week to start, with the opportunity to be full-time post fundraise


- monthly stipend of $500 plus significant equity, followed by salary upon fundraise


Linda Nedell

CEO & Founder, SAYge Link

[email protected]

C: 917-923-2627

Hi Linda! I hope this message finds you well. Im a Software engineer with 2 YOE. Worked mainly with Javascript, Typescript and React. Im interested on helping with the development for that stipend for 10 hs. But not to be a founding engineer. If that is something you are interested you can contact me to
Hi Maria! I would love to hop on a call to explore this. Here is my calendly - feel free to grab a convenient time for you. Look forward to it, Linda