
Connecting with fellow professionals in behavioral health and online education


I'm Angie Currie and I have been in marketing and program development for over 10 years.

Most recently, I have been overseeing the development of online educational programs that support transformational learning. At this point in my career, I want move into behavioral health and manage program and course development, supported by impactful conscious marketing strategies. I would love to connect with anyone for a brief chat about your work in behavioral health, online education, or transformational learning. Also, please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. I am happy to support you on your journey in any way I can!

Tagged Asks and Edtech for you, as well as consolidated your duplicate post!FYI in the future you can tag multiple communities at the time of posting :)
Thanks for the insight/feedback!
Hello Angie, I'm in the edtech space, I have sent you aa request on linkedin
Hi! Thanks for the response. Just accepted LI connection.
Hello Angie, Thanks for reaching out. I will need your help in a variety of ways to move my behavioural health platform off the ground. I have sent a linkedin invite and I am happy to schedule a meeting with you at your earliest convenience.