
A Lesson from Nature

Two weeks ago, I was watering my plants.It’s a pleasant routine that relaxes me. However, I noticed that one of my pots, my roses, had a lot of yellow leaves — most of them, I must admit.That made me sad and sorry; I felt like I had done something terrible to my plant.

I had only one choice: cut off all the yellow leaves and their dried little branches. I waited two days, then did it with doubts and fear.What will happen to my plant? Will I kill it, definitely?

Nature gave me all the answers.

After one week, my little plant grew greener and had many new leaves. It is now bushy and looks healthy.

Why I’m writing about my little plant?Because it made me think about how we behave in our lives.I was afraid to cut off what was dried, in a kind of insane attachment, fearful to lose something or be able to recover again.

Instead, once I pruned the branches, I created new spaces and energies — vigorous lymph for a fresh start.And isn’t that what happens in our lives?

In my life, yes.

I’m often worried about leaving behind what doesn’t work anymore, not because it’s necessarily wrong, but because life continuously evolves, and so should we. So what worked before has to be different now.

We must create space to welcome what is new and better for us.Think about a jug filled with water. If we put some ink in the jug, the water becomes dirty, and we can’t use it anymore.The only way is to empty the jug and pour some fresh water.


We must empty our inner space and thoughts and accept the new with happiness and grace.

I’m working on this daily because my fears and attachments are intense. It’s the well-known versus the unknown.What helps me is the awareness that life knows what is best for me if I’m ready for it and create the space.

How can we create more space?I have learned this so far. It is a path that combines self-acceptance, mindfulness, and a deep connection with the flow of life:

- Make silence inside and outside- Accept yourself as you are now, not as a doom but as a starting point- Love yourself- Embrace and accept Life’s Rules- Cultivate clarity, commitment and consistency, yes, in this order- Cultivate the desire to be ‘new’- Work on the detachment from your ‘old’ you- Surrender to life; it’s not ‘about you’- Meditate- Don’t judge yourself; life doesn’t require it- Be humble- Be grateful.

It may seem obvious and straightforward, but these practices require patience, persistence, and kindness towards ourselves.

Live it as a journey, not a destination.
