
Partner with Harvard Women in Computer Science!

Hi! I hope you're doing well :) My name's Amulya, and I'm co-President of Harvard Women in Computer Science. We're one of the largest undergraduate organizations at Harvard with 1000+ members, as well as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

It's our mission to build and support a thriving community of technical women at Harvard and beyond: we not only run 100+ career development, technical, and community outreach events, but also build tech for students on campus, collect and analyze data related to diversity in computer science on campus, and teach computer science to younger women in our community.

We're gearing up to plan our year and would be honored to work with the incredible women in this community. If you:

  • are a female founder looking to recruit from our community
  • think your company would be interested in sponsoring us
  • want to speak at one of our events
  • want to work with us on anything else

then please DM me or email me at [email protected] — I'd love to talk more!

Hey Amulya! Harvard alum here, and also a founder-- I don't think we're in a position to sponsor or partner yet, but when the time comes I'd love to chat!
so great! Let me know if any of your members are thinking of starting tech startups :) always love meeting brilliant founders!