
Looking for a career coach

Hi there! I am looking for a career coach or mentor. Can you please advise?

I am the founder of a small retail company that specializes in custom-made wedding dresses from European designers for the US market. We have a physical location in San Francisco. I've been running this business for 3 years now and have successfully reached a point where it operates autonomously and generates passive income, just as I had planned from the beginning. Before starting this venture, I gained experience in software sales/customer success for a technology company back in Ukraine.

Currently, I am exploring new opportunities and aiming to make a transition into the tech-fashion industry, capitalizing on my prior experience in both tech and fashion retail.

Ideally, I would love to join a tech-fashion startup/project, but I am not quite sure what position would be the most suitable for me or where to start.

If you have any experience with a career transition from retail to tech/fashion tech startup, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share your insights. Additionally, I would be very grateful if you could recommend a career coach/mentor who can help me define a possible future role considering my experience.

Thank you so much in advance.

Ooh! This is up @nataliehoop's alley. I know a Career Coach but based in BC, Canada. She can do virtual consultations. If you're up to that, I can send her details. Otherwise, I think there are several here on Elpha that are coaches.
Thank you so much! I will appreciate it Thank you so much! I will appreciate if you can send me the contact of the coach.
For sure. Her name is Tammy Donovan, you can reach her via her website
Omg congratulations, this is so great on so many levels! You should totally connect with @DianePrince not sure her expertise with fashion tech but she for sure can be useful when it comes to entrepreneurship/life/career coaching :)
Hi Marina. I am a career coach as well although based out of Texas. I have experience with people in all different industries and can work with you if interested. If interested, just reach out to me and we can discuss options and opportunities.
I haven't worked with her personally and her background is aligned:, tech career coach based in Boston