
Dating App Start-Up Survey

Hey Elpha! My friends and I are building a dating app. Yep, we know there's a ton out there, but we LOVE our concept and each other, so it's been a great time so far.You can be in any type of relationship status and still provide great data! We would appreciate your honest feedback with this survey during our info-gathering stage. It should take about 2-4 minutes. You can omit your email if you want it to be anonymous. Thanks!
Done! Quite fun :) Excited to see what will come out of it!
Done! Nice survey. Curious to see how this shapes your dating app!
Done! Almost makes me wish I were single! :)
Interested in what your spin on dating apps will look like. As I see it currently, even though there are many apps, there is still plenty of room for improvement!
@jeschang Done! FYI - You need to update the racial makeup answers from radio buttons to checkboxes, because even though the question says you can select more than one, you can't.
On it, thanks!