
Search for Venture Capital firms that are women-led or fund women-led ventures

Hi There!

I'm interested in moving into the start-up space, but I've also received advice about looking at venture capital groups as well, given their experience with their portfolio companies. What's the best way to look for specific venture capital firms- not only in specific industry areas, but also women-led firms or firms that prioritize funding to women-led or minority ventures?

Thank you!

I came here to plug where I work :)
Hi Iynna, I’m not the OP, but I came here for the same question, actually, and I’d love to chat. I followed your link and saw that Moxxie does seed stage investments. I’m co-founder and CEO of a seed stage company in the genomics space, and I’d love to hear more about what Moxxie looks for and the process you have.
For sure! Want to DM your deck?
Hi OP, other than plugging I also wanted to share some stuff you might find relevant (cc @taylorcapito and @KristineBeese) (filter per asset class)
Amazing @iynna thanks for sharing!
Plug for! (I'm not directly associated with OV but Janine, one of the GPs, is also the founder/CEO of a startup I work for.) OV focuses on early-stage startup, no warm intros. If interested, details are on their site!
Hi Carri! Feel free to attend an upcoming event. The guest speaker Shreya, currently works within the VC space and has built her community as well from scratch: