
Redundant for my Product Manager Role That Has Been Posted Online – Seeking Advice

I’m in a difficult and frustrating situation, and I’d appreciate some advice from this wonderful community. About a month ago, I stumbled upon a job posting for a Senior Product Manager role, which seemed like a perfect next step for my career. Imagine my shock when I was later contacted by a recruiter, only to find out that the posting was for the company I currently work for – a company where I’m the sole Product Manager!

A few days later, I was informed that my role might be made redundant. No real explanation was given, and I feel blindsided. I was never consulted or warned, and I’ve been actively working on projects that seem far from winding down.

To add to the confusion, they are hiring for the same (if not higher) position I currently hold. It’s hard not to feel like I’m being pushed out in a rather sneaky way, especially since I’ve had no performance issues and was never told my position was at risk.

Is this even legal? Has anyone else gone through something like this? How did you handle it? Any advice on how to approach this situation legally or professionally would be really appreciated.

Feeling lost and anxious about my next steps.

I am so sorry you are experiencing this. I am an engineering manager at a startup. I have seen a similar thing happened to my PM. I am happy to connect and talk through the possible scenarios.
This is so tough 💙 While I don’t have any legal advice, I’d recommend the following from a professional POV:- Begin dedicating time to documenting your in-role accomplishments from the last 6-12 months- Update your resume, LinkedIn, Elpha, etc.- Start looking for roles at and slightly above your current level- Invest time each day/week in applying to new roles at companies with better company cultures (the “better company cultures” is part is subjective, but by reading company reviews and even talking to some current employees, you can kind of infer some things on that front)I definitely sympathize with you and hope you have some time to sort through your feelings. At the same time, if I were in your shoes, I would consider my role as ending soon, and would proactively seek other employment. 💙