Hi there! I'm a self-taught dev + technical founder and have been debating ways to better support the "non-technical" founders in my network. (They're already technical, I honestly hate that framing!!!)
My coding journey began with a course called Code4Startup that broke everythinggg down for me. I had an MVP deployed three weeks later and have built that up to generate 100K+ ARR in revenue. I'm trying to figure out how I can support fellow female and non-binary founders in learning how to build products. It truly is simpler, faster, and more affordable than it seems.
Founders- have you considered learning to code out your own product? Or learning to code to better hire or manage engineers?
- What have the barriers been?
- What would your ideal course/workshop/support system look like?
- What technologies are you interested in learning?
Hopeful for your feedback!