
Game Writing

I have a diverse writing background -- podcasts, content, TV, theater, film, etc. My strength is scripts, but I've done a variety of different things. I'm very intrigued by the world of game writing, but I'm a total novice. Was wondering if anyone would be willing to advise/mentor me. Thanks!

Hello, is this a side business you're hoping to transition to when it takes off or is this your primary activity?
Thanks for responding! I live in LA and was laid off a few weeks ago. The entertainment industry is very slow right now. Game writing interests me. So, I thought it would be interesting to explore opportunities. Thanks!
Very cool! I cannot help much on the mentoring front as I'm not a professional writer, but I'm looking for writers to collaborate with for my interactive story-telling game. Would you like to discuss?
Absolutely! Very excited to learn more!
Sure I'll send you a PM so we can sync up