
Hosting a morning event? COFFEE on me!

Hi there! This year I launched Daybreak Vietnamese Coffee, a ready-to-drink beverage company. If you're hosting a morning event in the SF/ Bay Area, whether it's at work, your business, charity/fundraiser, etc. we'd love to sponsor your event and offer our delicious coffee to you!

We currently sell online, at the Burlingame Farmers Market, various pop-ups (ie Barry's boot camp, Corepower Yoga) and just received our permit to start selling to retail stores.

Any opportunities to share our product with an audience that enjoys coffee is appreciated and welcomed!

Omg Michelle! We just had an event yest. during TC Disrupt and wish we knew about this!But are you only in SF? Let me know if you have plans to be on the East Coast anytime in the (near or distant) future.
Ah bummer! That would’ve been perfect! Right now we’re just Bay Area based but will certainly let you know if we head out east. Thanks Iynna!
@gloriafelicia not sure if you want to work with Starbelly, where the brunch is to get some samples of the coffee? For reference, there's an Elpha brunch happening tomorrow (Saturday) but not sure how much logistics are involved to coordinate with the venue to get a few samples
That would be marvelous! @michelletu if you're free to swing by, please do so! >>
Wish I could make it! I’ll definitely keep my eyes out for events posted on Elpha to see if I can provide coffee!
Bummer! Next time for sure ♥️
Love this! We are having an event on the 27th but it’s in the evening - if my company was HQ in the bay would definitely! I love coffee :)
I don't know if Vietnamese Coffee has decaf options, but if possible, please consider that, as I'd love to try some (I'd also have to be in the Bay area, but I know people who are who can probs drink this so sharing with them now)
Yes! We’ve gotten a ton of requests for decaf, so something we’re working on ;)
This is an amazing offer, thank you! Any chance you have a dairy free version - perhaps using condensed coconut milk?
Another popular request we've been getting! We experimented with condensed coconut milk but it changed the flavor and texture entirely :/ BUT it led us to create a non-dairy version with another special ingredient...we've done some user tastings at the farmers market and it seems to be a hit! So stay tuned!
Wow, Michelle! This is amazing. Congratulations! As a techie and coffee lover, I'm so here for this. Are you open to collaberations with companies outside of the Bay Area? I would love to chat about how we can collaborate. East coast techies love coffee too!
Thanks so much Jeneba! Absolutely! Yes, please feel free to reach out anytime :) [email protected]
Hello @michelletu, I'm attending the OutOfPocket Conference this coming November 5th. I checked in with the conference organizers and they would love to have you folks attend. If you're available that Saturday, feel free to message me or email me and I will put you in touch with the organizers!
Thanks so much for reaching out the organizers, wish we could make it! I'll be a vendor at the SF Renegade Craft fair that weekend :( But definitely keep me posted on any future events! Thank you again for the kind offer Alexandra :)
Congrats on the launch!
Hey Michelle, we're having a team onsite in December and it would be cool to have your coffees in the office! It's not really an event per se but a week where we fly our teammembers in from their remote offices.
Sounds awesome! What’s the date of the on-site?
We'll be there 12/6 - 12/8!
Great! We’d love to provide coffee! Mind sending details to [email protected]?