Hi everyone! As the year comes to an end, as well as our FemTech Untapped program at Women of Wearables, we wanted to celebrate and highlight all the trailblazing leaders in FemTech and HealthTech who are improving the health and lives of so many with their innovative solutions and products.Join us for a celebratory panel discussion “FemTech in 2023 and beyond - What’s next?” on December 1 to hear and learn from some of those leaders and to get your questions answered! We will also reveal our annual '200 Trailblazing Leaders in Women's Health and FemTech' list during the event!More info about the webinar + ticket booking via the link below!
FEMTECH UNTAPPED: FemTech in 2023 and beyond - What’s next?https://www.eventbrite.com/e/femtech-untapped-femtech-in-2023-and-beyond-whats-next-tickets-472496448597
FEMTECH UNTAPPED: FemTech in 2023 and beyond - What’s next?https://www.eventbrite.com/e/femtech-untapped-femtech-in-2023-and-beyond-whats-next-tickets-472496448597
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Women Investing In Women
FREE Women of Wearables femtech webinar in April, join us! 🔥
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Branding support for conscious entrepreneurs/projects at very early stage (and at super low price)!
read these next
Women Investing In Women
FREE Women of Wearables femtech webinar in April, join us! 🔥
The 8-month job search navigating rejection and networking fatigue until finding the right fit
Webinar - Future of Health Tech
My Professional Odyssey from the Classroom to the C-Suite
POC face barriers to funding
Branding support for conscious entrepreneurs/projects at very early stage (and at super low price)!