
Advice: Looking to Pivot Careers and Try Finding Work in Europe

Hello there!

I'm seeking advice on how to smoothly transition from my career in health and safety within the insurance industry to the tech field. I'm facing some challenges in bridging the gap between these two domains, and I would be grateful if anyone could offer mentorship or guidance in this regard.

Ideally, I aspire to secure a remote job with a global reach, enabling my partner and me to relocate to Europe and be closer to our family. I genuinely appreciate any advice or insights that can help me navigate this transition successfully. Thank you so much in advance for your support!

Hello and thanks for posting! I am so excited for you and the prospect of you moving back to Europe! I too want to make that move relatively soon, so I'm 100% with you! In my opinion, it will be important to first identify the type of roles you may want to go for and the type of companies you'd want to work at (size of the company, industry, type of business eg consumer app vs consumer physical vs straight enterprise software), and then start networking with people in these roles/companies. I am sure you're aware of the current situ with all the layoffs, so while not impossible, I'd just keep in mind that it might take a bit longer than it normally would and to not despair/lose hope.