
Spent 2 months getting prepared before the Product Hunt launch, and now we are LIVE!

Hello, elphas!

I am Julia, a Growth Leader at LeaksID, we have a patented technology that helps to mark documents with anti-leak marks to protect them. Additionally, in case of a leak, we can make an investigation and find the leaker.

For the last 2 months, we have been preparing hard to enter the Product Hunt in order to present a new concept and get feedback from a foreign audience. And this day has come!! 💥 We have specially prepared a new video, creatives, texts, we have persistently built a community. One top hunter from the PH platform even offered to hunt us himself! If you have any questions about preparations I will be happy to share, but today we really need your support.

Follow the link to our page:

We will really appreciate any help and support!

❤ ❤ Thanks!!!