
Let's connect with girls like you from Paris, NYC, Rio... !

Hi elphas!With my friend @sarahmay we decided to launch a dedicated slack to connect the girls from all the big cities around the world 🌍We called it “asphalties” because as proper city girls, asphalt is our playground 🙌In this slack, you’ll find different channels (streams of discussion) where you can chat with other members. Each channel covers a specific topic: work, love life, feminism, friendship, health... and so much more! Send me a DM if you wanna join and feel free to ask me anything about it!Love from Paris,Micka & Sarah
Im in 🙌🙌⭐️⭐️
This sounds cool, @MickaelaCohen - is London included too?
Sure Rachel! Just sent you the link in DM :)