
Upcoming Free Virtual Panel: Building a Purpose-Driven Business Alongside Your 9-5 📷

Hi Elphas! I'm partnering with Her Workplace, a career network for the next generation of women and non-binary leaders, to put on a free virtual panel aimed at those of you who are seeking flexibility and fulfillment outside of work and have thought about experimenting with passion projects/side hustles on the side.

During this panel, you'll hear from a few incredible women (who I know personally) that have started their own businesses, all while balancing their job. You''ll have a chance for Q&A at the end, too!

What you’ll learn:

  • The WHY behind starting something of your own and the joys (and challenges) it brings
  • How to get over finding the perfect idea and just take action, even when you don’t feel ready
  • Balancing a side business alongside your 9-5 and other life priorities

If you're interested, register for free here!

This looks great. Just signed up :-)