I create brand platforms and campaigns for companies of all sizes through my consultancy, Free Run Marketing. All of the best brands have been created from brands with one thing in common: a clear mission.These brands go beyond just solving one specific need and serve a larger cause. A new study charted the impact of brands with purpose - the “higher order reason to exist beyond making a profit” as the study defines it. The top companies include Seventh Generation, Toms, and Allbirds - a new breed of brand whose mission is known just as much as their product, and ones that thrive in times like these.Your brand’s mission serves as your north star, steadily leading you to what story you’re able to tell and how to bring it to life. There’s so much lazy messaging, with people succumbing to horrendous jargon that makes people’s eyes glaze over. The best thing you can do as a brand is refuse to chase what everyone else is doing, and truly stand for something better, different, and clear. I created grapefriend with the mission of making learning about wine as fun as when you’re drinking it. On the exact opposite end of the spectrum, I was hired at IBM to help create a formal content capability within the marketing department of a brand that was over 100 years old. Branding and creating content for companies of such vastly different sizes sounds like it might be impossible, but you just need to find the authentic mission within each one. Whenever I work with a client, I dig around to articulate what’s human and normal about each brand, without overused terms that only wind up distancing people. Once you find that, stories and content can genuinely bring it to life in every channel, every time someone comes into contact with your brand. As Warren Buffett said, “You only find out who’s swimming naked when the tide goes out.” Brand purpose should be a natural articulation of what you’re actually doing as a company. What brand missions have inspired you, and whose do you think could be better?