
Let’s start a homebuying community!

Hi all! Working on a startup with @AmirahRB & @toralpatel to support 1st time homebuyers. :) We're in the early stages but Toral, our head of product, has launched an instagram (@thehomedispatch) to share her homebuying journey + tips along the way. Thanks for considering following along, let's start a homebuying community!
let's! what are the steps that we can take to do so? my hubby and i have been doing our own research but am unsure if we have blindspots
Thanks for following! I would love to hear more about what you have been doing. Let me know if you are open to chat.
If you're up for it, would love to line up a quick call with our team to hear about your journey so far and what you've found helpful + happy to share where we're at with the product & any tips/tricks on our radar. @toralpatel is currently in the homebuying process & @AmirahRB & I have both gone through the journey too.
hi there! would be happy to jump on a call, but we've done very elementary research at this point. Maybe because the information is so spread out and overwhelming, but we actually don't know which country we'd like to buy a home in
We're planning to launch a community of homebuyers this Fall, here's a snapshot of some of the topics we'll tackle if you're interested in joining the group (including deciding where to buy)!
hi!!! i'm also working on buying my first house (and blogging about it haha) right now! this looks awesome. i work for emily henderson ( / @em_henderson on IG) - would love to stay in touch as y'all grow the business!!! i'm [email protected] if y'all have an email list i can subscribe to or if you ever wanna chat!
Hi Caitlin! Just in case the hill house doesn't work out...we're putting together a community of homebuyers this Fall that might be interesting to consider!
I am a HUGE Emily Henderson fan and I love the team's content! :) We'd love to connect anytime, I'll reach out on email!
Hi @JSanborn - Love this. We are a proptech startup that is helping home buyers in the inspection repair process. Would love to hear what you guys are working on and if we can help in anyway.
Thanks for the feedback. I am Jaimes co-founder and would love to learn more about what you are doing.
Awesome! Do you talk about buying homes for renting out via airbnb? Curious if anyone does that, and if they spend $ on improvements and if that works.
We haven't jumped into this topic yet but we'll put it on our list to find an expert to interview. I think @toralpatel knows another startup that's focused on this space. I'll circle back when we have relevant content to share!
Hi Rachel - just wanted to drop back in & share that we're putting together a group of homebuyers this Fall who can share experiences w/ each other & we'll be bringing in experts: -- we definitely plan to ask about Airbnbs. The biggest advice we've heard so far is to check with the local town boards when buying an airbnb property bc some places have some regulations before you can get up and running (e.g. annual septic/fire alarm checks, or a local permit)
Welcome, ladies! I too am in the home/interiors space. This sounds so exciting, can't wait to follow along on your journey!
Thank you so much for following along! Would love any thoughts/feedback or to connect anytime!
Thank you! So good to "meet" you. I would love to learn more about what you are working on as well.
Love this @JSanborn! Followed :)
Thank you so much!!!! :)
Thanks for following! Love to hear your feedback.
Hi Amber! Just wanted to share that our landing page is up & we're hoping to put together a community of homebuyers this Fall, hope you'll join us!
Awesome! I'll take a look :)
@JSanborn Very excited about the work you're doing! Do you have specific tips for the purchase of a multi-unit property as a 1st time home buyer?
Hi Sireesha! Thanks so much for following along! We've launched our landing page to put together a community of homebuyers this Fall, wanted to share in case you're interested in joining. -- We'll be bringing in experts and will definitely add some questions about multi-family properties to our list!