
The One Person Screening Gatekeeper

I am struggling so severely with 1 man deciding for an arbitrary reason that I can't be screened technically even when I am qualified for the role and meet all of the requirements. This week after a 60 minute zoom screening I was given this feedback, "While your background in the (role title) space aligned well with the role, we unfortunately will not be moving forward in the process due to lack of clear signal around driving clarity with stakeholders and taking ownership."

I appreciate them giving any reason. But he is wrong here, and isn't lack of clear signal a great reason to ask a followup question rather than not screen me technically? I am going to be another qualified woman who can't take this anymore & leaves. Help me understand the motivation of these gatekeepers and what I can do to get past them. Also, why do companies feel one person who is possibly bias has full control without even 1 colleague to challenge them?

Clearly I could have phrased things better if I left any room for assumption, but my feeling is that they would find a reason. Are they really looking for any excuse to say no that they can make up?

"moving forward in the process due to lack of clear signal around driving clarity with stakeholders and taking ownership'That sounds like a bunch of buzzword BS to say "We don't want a woman", as you said, they would have asked for more clarity if they wanted to include you.
Thank you. I appreciate your advice as I really took this hard. I have been looking for so long without even making it to a technical screen. I was so disappointed that I didn’t even get to show my ability to the hiring manager. My unemployment ran out in December. I have no idea how to help myself more than I already am.