
Product Designer w background in strategy and marketing looking for work!

Hi Friends!

I'd love any suggestions, resources, networking connections, or advice you can share with me as I continue on my job search.

After spending a number of years working in business development, marketing, and strategy I found myself leading an engineering team in the creation of an app for a client. I fell in love with product design and wanted to formalize my training. I took an intensive boot camp and happened to complete it as we're in a major hiring slump after big layoffs.

I'm having trouble getting traction in my search. I've been networking, and sending personalized messages to teams and hiring managers and have heard very little.

I would be so grateful for any connections you might have for product design roles.

Thanks so much!

Hi there, @emilyhays! Job search can be difficult, but you absolutely can master it with the right guidance. If you're having any challenges with job searching, I suggest 1) having a support system to help you (coach/mentor/peers/community), 2) balancing your time across key activities like networking with professionals at target companies, joining professional events, producing thought leadership, researching target roles/companies, and measuring/reflecting/pivoting on a weekly basis, 3) having an accountability plan -- set goals per week, 4) consider how many roles/industries you are applying to (if you’re pursuing multiple directions you may want to reconsider which path is the best fit and makes the most sense for you to pursue), and 5) do self-care activities to make sure your mindset is resilient. Here’s some resources with more guidance: and, I’m Rachel. If you want to discuss further, check my profile to book a call to dive deeper into your goals/challenges.
Thanks, @rachelserwetz. These are all things I've been doing. I decided to revise my materials and hope it helps.
Hi Emily - just FYI that I changed your tag from "Job Board" for those posting job openings to "Job Hunting."
I'm in a similar boat with a similar background. I don't have a job...yet, but I've found that networking with the right people can help a lot. I sat in a shark tank meeting and met several startups in which I offered my services in exchange for portfolio work. Some want to hire me but don't have the money, but keep in mind that startups network like it's their full time job. Those are the best kind of people to know because they get to know other business owners and investors. They can get you to the right people!