
✨ Live Office Hours✨ : I’m the CEO and co-founder of Ethena. I’m Roxanne Petraeus. AMA!Featured

Hi Elphas! We're bringing you a ✨live✨ Office Hour – not the usual one you’re used to where conversations are async and in written form. In this live discussion, you’ll get to meet our guest live, hear them speak, and ask them questions async and also on the call!

If you’d like to attend this live event, RSVP here.

Share any questions ahead of time, or join us on the call to ask them!

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I’m the CEO and co-founder of Ethena, a modern compliance training platform. Instead of just checking a box, Ethena focuses on improving culture, driving real impact and delivering insights in the way that people like to learn. Companies like Netflix and Figma rely on Ethena’s engaging courses to train their teams on everything from preventing sexual harassment to anti-bribery. After graduating from Harvard’s Reserve Officer Training Program, I was commissioned into the U.S. Army. I served on a combat deployment to Afghanistan and in training missions to Cambodia and Mongolia. After leaving military service, I worked at McKinsey & Company as a consultant before founding Ethena. I’m a Rhodes Scholar and hold degrees from Harvard College and Oxford University.

When I’m not scaling a startup, I am spending time with my family, Cross-Fitting, or knitting.

I've previously shared this Spotlight post on my traditional path to tech on Elpha.

Ask me anything about leadership, building a startup, compliance, how to develop and improve company culture, my non traditional path to tech, and anything else!

Join us this Friday at noon PT / 3pm ET for the Live Office Hour!


Edit: For those of you who've missed it, our call recording is here!

Password: LiveOH@Elpha2023

How should seed early stage startups think about compliance? And at what point is it something an early stage startup needs to start spending time and money on? Thank you for your time!
How did you get into the compliance space? And how did you get up to speed on all things compliance? And lastly, how do you and your team stay current?Thank you!
I work at Superhuman where I’ve recently completed a series of Ethena training on DEI & harassment. I'm curious how Ethena has combatted the perception of compliance training being mundane or unnecessary, and your strategy in encouraging / enforcing a company's employees to complete the training. Would love to hear both from the perspective of HR policies and partnerships, as well as the design of Ethena's training itself.
When it comes to responsibility around personal growth and development, how much falls upon the employer and that of the employee? A combination of both makes sense but could you elaborate with some practical examples or case studies of what works best or a sweet spot ratio? Thank you @roxanne
As a Director in People & Culture, I often struggle with compliance officers who see L&D as mere "box ticking" exercises to avoid legal liabilities and not as a tool for growth across multiple perspectives (employee experience, engagement, development, and so on). It seems that reciprocity between compliance divisions and HR is sometimes forgotten or lopsided. How can teams better align on shared goals while also making education valuable for everyone as well as the company?
I think I'm not supposed to upvote questions but I just wanted to say this is a super smart (and hard) question and one I'll definitely answer (whether live or afterwards!). I've spent a lot of time thinking about this very issue.
Thanks so much for joining us @roxanne!Elphas – please ask @roxanne your questions by Thursday, February 9th. @roxanne will answer these questions and any live ones on the call! We may not have time to get to all questions, so emoji upvote your favourites 🔥👍🏾➕Note: we will update this post will a link to the recording afterwards.
So excited to do this! Truly ask me anything from leadership lessons to my most recent Netflix binge. I'm here for it all!