
Panel event - Your Personal Brand: Transform your career by taking control

You might think that this is something you don’t need to worry about. But your brand is introducing you long before you step into a room and following you long after.

Do you know what it’s saying?

It’s time to take control of your brand and make it work for you. I’m so excited to be participating in a panel discussion where we help you with just that!

“Workplace Wisdom Sessions: Perspectives on Today's Issues” is putting on its next panel all about “Your Personal Brand: Transform your career by taking control.”

The following experts are going to share perspectives, actionable tips, and answer your questions:

  • Dana Zellers: Host | Executive Coach, Speaker, Facilitator - Dana is a certified Executive Coach hired by busy corporate professionals overloaded with responsibilities to succeed at work and stop sacrificing their personal lives.
  • Lynne Williams: Resumes | LinkedIn | Career Education - Lynne Williams writes ATS resumes and LinkedIn profiles that focus on keywords. She also runs a nonprofit that provides online career education.
  • Shelley Golden: Personal Branding Image Consultant - Helps professionals stand out and be noticed by elevating your image and personal brand so that you feel more confident to attract your ideal audience.
  • Melinda Lee: Public Speaking Coach & Facilitator - Helping team leaders step into unshakable confidence by mastering executive communication & storytelling to influence any room they are in.

Come with questions, Tuesday, July 23, 12-1 pm pacific/3-4 pm eastern. Time doesn't work? Register anyway and we'll get you the replay.

You don’t want to miss the insights!

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